social media and all that comes with it

Today I saw a tweet that read “Social media is training us to compare our lives, instead of appreciating everything we are. No wonder why everyone is always depressed” I guess you can say the tweet got me thinking.

It seems that being depressed or having anxiety these days is almost the new norm. I don’t know if social media is to blame for that but I can definitely see how it’s a huge factor. We have these “influencers” who make their living pretty much off of social media. In order to gain all those followers, I’m sure they have to maintain a persona. Yet at the same time you see these influencers talking about how they have bad anxiety or suffer from depression. I think what upsets me is, and I hate to put the blame on them, but aren’t they part of the problem?

Take for instance @laurdiy. Now no disrespect to her she hustlesssssss. And she’s earned everything she has. But as a normal, average, but according to my doctor “I could lose 10-15 pounds” girl, it’s hard not to see her page and wish I were as skinny as her. While all her pictures are staged, and even though I mentally know this, it’s still hard not to be envious of the life she has. She looks so happy and perfect alll the fuckinggg time. People are always talking about being real on their instagram or social media, yet everything posted is 100 times edited over and scrutinized to the tee, usually by ourselves.

Don’t get me wrong, I am no different. In 2018, I posted 10 pictures on my instagram. That’s not even a picture a month! Part of the reason is because I barely take pictures let alone have any to post. But when I do take them, I tend to hate how I look. I’m a firm believer that when I post something, I’m not going to delete it. So why post a picture I kinda like of myself? I don’t and thus the 10 pictures.

With everything there are pros and cons to social media. It is a GREAT way to network and keep in touch. It’s even a great way to meet new people. But to me the cons are far worse these days. It’s so easy to get lost in the social media world. It’s hard to see what everyone has and not be jealous. I have to constantly remind myself that I have a good life. That I’m grateful for what I have, and it’s far better than most. It’s a struggle to not get lost and not get jealous. Sometimes I wish we could back to the old days where there was no social media. Where kids didn’t stare at a screen all day. How unrealistic of me..


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