Hello out thereeee! I’m reeshhelle and I started this blog for anyone and everyone to read, but mainly for myself. I wanted this little space on the interweb to be my home. To talk about anything and everything, but mainly so that people can see that even in your 30s, you don’t have to have it all figured out, because I am nowhere near that. I hope people come here and read my journey and know it’s okay to still be lost regardless of age, as long as you’re still trying and working towards your goals because really sometimes that’s all you can do, is try.

I come from a big family and I would say that has probably defined me the most into who I am today. I’m a graphic designer at heart but being an administrative specialist gets me paid. I take on way too many hobbies, because I want to know and learn everything. I like to create, design and make pretty things. When I’m not being lazy I like to workout to justify all the delicious food I tend to devour and just can’t say no to. When I save enough and plan right, I often try to travel and see the world as much as possible. I love TV. Like really love it. If I could watch TV for a living I’d be the happiest girl in the world.

Even with all that above, I’m still getting to know myself. I’m trying to find the person I want to be. And to me, this is step one. So here it is, me trying, my little passion project. Something to keep me going. Because at one point in life I loved to write, and I have so many thoughts. This is my little outlet, to create, to write and to design. So here they all are. My life, my thoughts and everything in between. 

And if that isn’t enough for you, check out my social media or send me a quick message. Go ahead- internet stalk me but follow me while you’re at it 🙂