How You See Yourself

Almost one year ago (a little under 11 months if we’re being exact) I decided to ask my brother and mother for a Peloton for my birthday (big ask I know I’m fortunate). I have never cycled in my life before, I didn’t know much about it other than everyone got one during the pandemic and not one person had something bad to say. Previous to getting the Peloton, I had been doing YouTube workouts (check out Sydney Cummings on there I love her!) to stay semi in shape during the pandemic, and before that I would say I was pretty active. I did bootcamp classes, and tried to train for what would have been my 10th half marathon. While I had a huge love/hate relationship with running, I knew I needed the cardio. Truth be told, even if covid didn’t cancel my half marathon, I’m not sure I would have been able to run it. My knees were giving out and just not working for me. When the world shutdown, I knew I had to find another way to get the cardio thus enter the peloton.

When I say the Peloton changed my life, I don’t think I can stress this enough. I hate to become such a spokesperson for them, but I will forever have their back lol. Never in my life, have I felt so strong and yes as I mentioned before I was quite an active person. I’ve tried numerous things. Half marathons, brazilian jui jitsu, bootcamps, youtube workouts. And while I loved all of them, none of them has made me feel quite as strong and comfortable in my body than the Peloton and their instructors. Yes, I still have my insecurities, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. But before, I was scared to lift, I was all about the cardio, and even when I was doing bootcamp in the past I hated what the weights was doing to my body.

Peloton is not just a workout regimen. It’s a community. I am never bored and I always want more for myself. Being a goal oriented person has really helped me in this instance because I am always striving for that next milestone.

We can sit here and talk about how I feel stronger, but truth be told, what Peloton has done for my mental health is what I am most grateful for. Life has not been easy the last couple years, for anyone, but in my life specifically, this blog is a testament to that. Peloton lets me escape from that even for a little bit a day. It allows me to focus on myself and let go of all of life’s stresses. It has made me more confident in myself, which translates (not into everything) but in other aspects of my life. I am not the skinniest I have ever been, not even close and in the past that is all I could focus on. The number on that scale has never, and especially as I grow older, been my friend. But the instructors from the Peloton have reminded me that it’s not always about that. It’s about how you feel. It’s about being just one percent better than yesterday. And more importantly, I can’t remember who said it specifically but it was something along the lines of “Your body does so much for you, stop hating it” And that really stuck with me. Taking care of my mom has not only taken a toll on me mentally, but also physically. And I am so lucky I am in the position to help her. My body, may get tired, but it has yet to fail me through all the trials and tribulations through life. And I just need to stop hating it. Last week I took a class with Jess Sims, one of my favorite instructors, and she had said this,

“I wish you could see yourself through the eyes of your biggest admirer for even just an hour.”

Can you imagine? I can’t. I spend so much of my time focusing on what needs to be changed, what I hate about myself. But what if, for a little we let go of all that, and just really admire ourselves, loves ourselves in a way we don’t allow ourselves. I think it would change how you see yourself, and maybe just maybe it’ll stick with you.

So here’s your reminder for the day. Love yourself, thank your body, and replenish it with whatever it needs. If that’s weights, cardio, food, or a rest day, do you boo, and love yourself while you’re at it.

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